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Reviews Alina Ulkina | Cosmetic Treatments

Very professional approach and extremely friendly staff. Thank you for taking the time to discuss and analyze individual status for each patient, great advice is always given at Body Silk. I would strongly recommend it to my friends and family.

Alina Ulkina

News And Blog About Cosmetic And Beauty Treatments
Wednesday, 12 May 2021 16:41
LightSheer Desire Diode laser is a new technologie that combines a precise wavelength to permanently destroy hair and a suction feature to numb the nerves in order to make a laser treatment more comfortable on larger body areas, such as laser for a full back, full legs, full arms as well as laser treatments for abdomen and chest. A separate patch test will be required to establish the correct settings for your skin type and to make sure that the treatment is safe yet effective.
The manufacturer of the LightSheer Desire laser recommends 6-8 sessions for laser treatments for women and 8-10 sessions for men. However, from experience, we do not recommend to buy a course of 6 sessions (for women) or 8 sessions (for men) as LightSheer is a medical grade laser (very powerful), and you may not need more than 6 sessions if you are a woman, or more than 8 sessions if you are a man.
It is recommended to complete your laser hair removal course within the space of 12 months. 

Why can all of the hair be permanently removed in one laser session? Why do we need to come for a laser session several times?

The reason why the hair cannot be destroyed in one session is due to the fact that our hair grows in cycles: all hair in a growing phase at the time of the treatment will be permanently destroyed. Then, you will have to wait between 4-6 weeks (depending on the body area) until the next cycle of hair that was in a dormant phase, grows into an active phase, so that the laser beam would be able to target the pigment in the hair in a growing phase, and destroy it for good by cutting off the blood supply to the follicle. When it happens, follicle will never be able to produce hair again.
Book your patch test today to see if you are suitable for laser hair removal treatments with the LightSheer laser.
Wednesday, 29 January 2020 11:08

Best Facials For Acne And Oily Skin In London | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham, Blackheath

A need of our body to use skin for elimination of body waste and toxins exists for everybody without an exception, although not all of us can boast with such an ability. If you are one of the lucky ones and your skin is able to effectively help the body eliminate waste and toxins, this function of the skin can be as effective as the one of the kidneys and the gut!

As our skin has both sweat and sebaceous glands, it can excrete both water soluble and liposoluble (oil-soluble) waste and toxins. Healthy skin

can take up to 50% of the total elimination load of the entire excretion system of the body. However, skin’s eliminating function of many people can be suppressed by a number of reasons.

Thursday, 28 March 2019 21:59

Gift Vouchers at Body Silk Clinic on Mother's Day is an easy and elegant way to send love to your mum! Every mum deserves some pampering at least once a year! Purchase your gift voucher today!
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 14:46

Gift Vouchers at Body Silk Clinic on a Valentine's Day is an easy and elegant way to impress your loved one! Purchase your gift voucher today!
Sunday, 16 December 2018 13:56

Make sure that your skin looks at its best this festive season. Book your facial or body treatment today! Gift vouchers are also available - those are the best Christmas present for your loved ones.
Friday, 30 November 2018 12:49

Aromatherapy DoTerra Oil Application Treatment In London | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham, Blackheath

Time towards Christmas is very exciting but can also be spoiled by an unexpected cold or flu. If you are not a fan of flu vaccinations, you may want to consider a more natural way of preventing a cold to interfere with your plans during this festive season. Try this DoTerra Oil Application Treatment - aromatherapy with a twist. We chose DoTerra, because of its dedication to to nature powers through extracting the best out of what an organic plant can offer: 100% pure essential oil - the heart of of the essence of the best plants grown in pure conditions to give you their best healing properties!

Thursday, 20 September 2018 11:55

Aromatherapy Oil Application with DoTerra essential oils is a truly holistic treatment and a real treat towards your body's well-being. DoTerra oils are so pure that they can be used orally as food supplements. After a consultation with our DoTerra skin consultants, an individual choice of oils will be blended just for you to Taylor the treatment towards your specific concerns. For example, aaving aromatherapy On Guard treatment by DoTerra at Body Silk Clinic will ensure your resistance to colds and flues in the coming winter months. Book your DoTerra treatment today!
Tuesday, 29 May 2018 21:09

Laser Hair Removal In London With LightSheer Diode Laser | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham, Blackheath

If you have been thinking of getting started with permanent laser hair removal treatments at this time of the year, you should be aware of a few useful laser hair removal tips to make sure that your skin is safely treated and does not suffer from any unpleasant surprises as a result of you not doing your homework before committing to laser hair removal. Planning beach holidays usually includes concerns about taking care in advance of unwanted hair. A laser hair removal vs IPL option would require keeping the area of concern away from the direct sun exposure 4 weeks before and after your laser hair removal treatment. Bearing that in mind, the safest body areas for laser hair removal would be underarms and laser hair removal for bikini, provided that you are going to cover them at all times during the entire holiday. 

If you are interested to find out more information about laser hair removal and where to start from, book your consultation and a laser patch test with one of our consultants today or read other articles in our blog.
If you found this post useful, please do let us know by rating it!

Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.
Saturday, 03 February 2018 13:16

Facials | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham, Blackheath, SE13

Everybody has heard of free radicals and antioxidants, but very few people have a clear understanding what these actually are and what effect they have on our health and the process of ageing.

Free radicals are the molecules that are missing one electron. The ions of the air, water or other substances that consist of such molecules are positively charged. Once they get into our blood stream through the lungs and then through the blood circulation, they behave like “vampires”, trying to steal a free electron to compensate for the missing one that they lack. And they steal it from our defenceless cells. As a result, the cells loose moisture (hyaluronic acid). This stimulates ageing. The moisture is being suckout out of the cells by free radicals like with a pump.

Antioxidants, on the contrary, are the molecules that have an extra electron. A concentration of such molecules makes the air or water or skin products live and fresh. In nature, such air can be found in the mountains, near the coast, in the woods, etc. The negatively charged ions are very mobile. Once they get in contact with the lungs, they travel to the cells of the body and "donate" a free electron to them. They behave like “donors”. Not only they neutralise free radicals that way, but also have rejuvenating effect on us.

That is why, at Body Silk Clinic, during our facials and body treatments, such as LPG non-invasive facelift, prescribed facial and Endermologie treatment combined with an ultrasound booster, we use products that stimulate antioxidant activity. During your consultation. you will also get a nutrition advise to help your body detox and rejuvenate while undergoing a course of treatments.

If you are interested to find out more about skin rejuvenation treatments, book your consultation with one of our consultants today or read other articles in our blog.

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Monday, 13 November 2017 12:49

Laser Hair Removal| Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham, Blackheath, SE13

When it comes to laser hair removal, there is a few things to keep in mind, namely, to stay away from the following:

  1. wax or pluck your hair out 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the laser hair removal treatment. The laser needs to "see" the dark pigment in the root of your hair in order to destroy the blood supply to it and, therefore, stop the follicle producing hair. If you take out the hair root, there will be no pigment for the laser to "see" and the treatment will not work;
  2. sunbathe or be in the direct sun exposure 4 weeks before and after the laser treatment. During a laser hair removal treatment, melanocytes get activated. By exposing the treated area (and the area to be treated) by laser to the sun, melanocytes get activated even more that increases the risk of hyperpigmentation and even burns ;
  3. take supplements containing vitamin D two weeks before and after a laser treatment as it activates melanocytes that can increase a risk of skin damage during a laser treatment;
  4. pick on shedding hair after a laser hair removal treatment. It may increase the risk of infection;
  5. go to steam room or sauna or a swimming pool or take a hot shower a few days after a laser treatment as it may lead to skin burns due to increase skin sensitivity after the laser treatment;
  6. wear tight or rubbing clothes right after the treatment to avoid friction that may lead to skin irritation and and may cause substantial burns to the epidermis;
  7. apply deodorants or other perfumed substances on the lasered areas. It will irritate the skin that is sensitive after a laser treatment.

If you are interested to find out more about laser hair removal, book your consultation with one of our consultants today or read other articles in our blog.

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Friday, 03 November 2017 08:15

Skin Peels Facials Anti-Ageing Rejuvenation | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham, Blackheath

If you have not heard about a diagnostic peel, you may want to read on till the end of this article. A diagnostic peel is a skin peel treatment that tests the health of your skin cells and identifies how much your skin can take in one treatment to

Saturday, 21 October 2017 13:01

Obagi Nu-Derm and Obagi Blue Peel | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham, Blackheath

We receive a fairly large number of enquiries from our patients requesting a strong skin peel treatment, such as Obagi Blue Peel, strong glycolic peel or a treatment with a dermal roller, because they heard that it can be a powerful tool to help eliminate various skin conditions and impurities, as well as to substantially rejuvenate the skin. Yet not many people are aware that skin needs a substantial preparation before any serious treatment can be carried out. Otherwise, the patient may end up with hyperpigmentation or even scarring or other unwanted skin damage. To avoid this from happening, it is a good idea to take the preparation stage seriously.

For instance, a patient needs at least 16 weeks of being on Obagi Nu-Derm or Obagi Fx protocol before he or she can consider Obagi Blue Peel. Did you know that after being on Obagi Nu-Derm or Obagi Fx for a required period of time, over 90% of patients do not actually need Obagi Blue Peel as Nu-Derm or Fx clears the majority of skin concerns. Obagi Blue Peel may be needed in the cases of severe skin damage that Obagi Nu-Derm may not be able to overcome completely. Your Obagi skin consultant will be able to advise you about it.

If you are interested to find out more about skin rejuvenation and where to start from, book your consultation with one of our consultants today or read other articles in our blog.

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Tuesday, 10 October 2017 14:33

Endermologie LPG Lipomassage Cellulite Slimming | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham, Blackheath

The expression “it is healthy to drink plenty of water” has become so over-used nowadays that many people stopped paying attention to it. So, why is it so healthy to drink plenty of water? And is it really?

When our Endermologie clients decide to embark on a course, the first thing that they are advised about is to become more aware of what they eat and drink during their 8 weeks of being on a course. Plenty of pure water is absolutely essential to help the body eliminate toxins and waste substances accumulated in the tissue as a result of eating salty, fatty and processed foods - most of food that we eat in the civilised world contains salt and processed sugar that our body ends up storing after many years of consuming such foods. When a person starts an Endermologie treatment, her or his lymphatic system and blood circulation are being stimulated that promotes release of old toxins from the tissue that need to be eliminated from the body through the excretory system. Drinking plenty of pure water - preferably distilled or at least from the filter of reversed osmosis that allows only H2O molecules through - ensures proper cleansing, hydration and effective neutralisation of free radicals that make our cells age.

If you stop eating salt, processed sugar and processed fats (especially transfats) and start drinking plenty of pure water (1.5 litres a day), include green smoothies in your diet, the results from your Endermologie treatments will be substantially enhanced. You are likely to see a visible difference in just a few sessions.

If you are interested to find out more about how Endermologie treatments can transform you, book your consultation with one of our Endermologie consultants today or read other articles about it here.

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Sunday, 04 June 2017 23:00

Laser Hair Removal | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham, Blackheath

When the summer is on its way, a lot of people suddenly realize that they need to get ready for the "right" beach look towards their summer holiday. The "right" look often includes hair free body areas and the body areas free from ingrown hair. The best solution to it is laser hair removal, but there is a few things to bear in mind.

It is better to start getting ready in advance as you are not allowed to expose the areas of concern to the direct sun 4 weeks before and after a laser treatment. Why? You do not want to increase the risk of getting burnt during your holiday or get hyperpigmentation on the vulnerable skin that has been treated with a laser. The sun promotes heat and further activates melanocytes inside the skin that has lately been exposed to the heat from a laser. So, stay away from the direct sun exposure for a minimum of four weeks before and after the treatment.

Often the areas, such as underarms and intimate areas can be lasered less than 4 weeks towards your beach holiday as they do not get direct sun exposure easily. Areas that are more vulnerable, such as face, legs, arms, back and chest, must be considered with extra care as they are very difficult to protect from the UV while spending time on the beach. If you decided to go ahead with a laser hair removal treatment in summer, make sure that you have those 4 before-and-after-safety-weeks and use a minimum SPF50 sun protection at all times.

You are welcome to book a laser patch test and a consultation online. Bear in mind that a patch test must be carried out 72 hours before the actual treatment.

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Friday, 14 April 2017 09:53

Easter Greetings | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham

We hope that you are having a nice and relaxing Easter!

We are all set for the spring and look forward to seeing you at Body Silk Clinic to try out a new selection of nail gels for spring and summer as well as new facial products for facials to get your skin healthy and glowing towards the beach season!

Book your appointment to come and see us after the Easter break!

Happy Easter from the Body Silk Clinic Team!

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Thursday, 06 April 2017 10:03

LPG Facelift | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham

Non-surgical natural anti-ageing treatments, such as LPG Facelift, are on the rise due to their dual action - they tackle lines, wrinkles and sagging skin while helping detox your body from within through the mechanical stimulation of the lymphatic system and blood circulation.

A well-known blogger and glamour journalist Max shares her very first experience of the LPG treatment at Body Silk Clinic, Hither Green, London SE13, in her story, called Beauty Inside Out.

If you are not prepared to consider surgical or inhectable options as yet, non-invasive Facelift by LPG is well worth considering.

If you would like to discuss it in more details, please call us 0207 283 5800 or drop us an email today to learn more about the treatment.

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Tuesday, 07 March 2017 12:20

We cannot tell you how many clients came to us complaining that the laser hair removal treatments that they received elsewhere, worked very little or did not work at all, to achieve permanent hair reduction. When we ask which laser was used during the treatment, most of the people struggle to know. Meanwhile, this is the most and the first thing one should find out before committing to invest money and effort in permanent hair removal. Why is it so important?

Wednesday, 01 March 2017 12:45

Laser Hair Removal | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham

Laser hair removal clinics have seen an increase for the demand from the people experiencing ingrown hair. Why does ingrown hair occur? When hair grows into the skin after shaving or cutting it or when dead skin cells are blocking the hair to grow in a normal direction, a person will end up with a little bump on the skin. The problem eventually clears by itself. However, sometimes it gets aggravated, and makes it uncomfortable for the skin. Picking it or tweezing the hair out of the bump is tempting, but has a risk of inviting infection into the affected area that may even lead to folliculitis - inflammation around the hair caused by bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.

Laser hair removal can help the problem through disabling the hair growth permanently. The more contrast between the skin and the hair colour is - in other words, the darker pigment of the melanin in the root of the hair is compared to the skin tone - the better laser hair removal treatment will work. If you have some ingrown hair and would like to discuss it in more details, please call us 0207 283 5800 or drop us an email today to discover your options.

Online booking is also available.

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Saturday, 18 February 2017 15:44

Male Waxing | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham

It has been a few years since it became fashionable for men to add body hair removal to their grooming routine. Waxing is a natural way to remove hair quickly and be hair free for a few weeks. It is important that wax is gentle and suits your skin, so that it does not cause allergic reactions. To ensure that this is the case, ask your therapist to use wax for sensitive skin. Harley wax is an excellent example of such wax type.

Get yourself to an experienced therapist who can minimise uncomfortable sensation during the treatment and remove hair without leaving some of them behind.

Ingrown hair often accompany men's skin. If you wax regularly and suffer from ingrown hair, consider at some point laser hair removal that will the subject of our next post.

Book one online today or drop us an email if you want to chat before booking your appointment.

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Wednesday, 25 January 2017 21:48

Facial with Steam And Extraction | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham

We are still in January, but it is about time to start thinking of your next beach holiday. Natural ways to slim down include:

1. Exercise and move around. Gym and jogging are the easiest options. Make it a habit to get off the train or a bus a couple of stops towards your home and walk. Walk up and down the steps of the escalators in public places and public transport. Use half of your lunch break to go out for walk.

2. Eat organic food Processed sugar, cakes, white bread, pizza and dairy (cheese especially) should be substantially reduced if not excluded completely from your diet. Replace them with natural honey, dried (unsulphated) and fresh fruits, fresh organic vegetables. Green smoothies and cold pressed carrot and apple juices in big quantities daily are the best.

Saturday, 21 January 2017 21:15

The beauty market these days offers endless products claiming to achieve rejuvenation wonders. Pretty bottles from well-known brands scream out about an amazing effect for skin if used on a regular basis. Unfortunately, many consumers fall into this trap set up by marketing specialists for a simple reason of being unaware of the basic anatomy of skin.

The truth is that skin ageing happens on cellular level deep in the dermis. The maximum that any cream (with the exception, perhaps, Obagi, but it is a subject for a separate post) can achieve is moisturising, cleansing or protecting of the top part of the very superficial layer of epidermis. To get down to the dermis and give a boost to the cells, called fibroblasts, one needs to have either an invasive treatment (dermal fillers, mesotherapy, dermal roller, etc) or any other treatment that would give a boost to the cells down there, such as non-invasive facelift, also known as LPG Liftmassage, that mechanically stimulates the deeper layers of the skin tissue.

And although the effect is visible after one session, a course of 10 sessions will give longer-term results. It is like going to the gym - the effect is there after one visit, but to get your muscles toned nicely, a few work-outs will be necessary, as our tissue has "memory" the same way our muscles have "muscle memory".

The treatment is only £65 per session and 10 sessions are available at the price of 9! Book one online today or drop us an email if you want to chat before booking your appointment.

If you found this post useful, please do let us know by rating it! Have you ever had LPG Liftmassage before? We would love to hear about your experience in the Comments section!

Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

Monday, 16 January 2017 22:37

Facial with Steam And Extraction | Body Silk Clinic, South-East London, Hither Green, Lewisham

Out of all skin problems, blackheads are the most frequent skin concern for both men and women. Even if you have enjoyed a fairly good skin for most of your life, at some point you will experience the appearance of a few "black dots" on your nose, forehead, chin or sides of the cheeks.

Why do blackheads occur? When your skin lacks moisture (due to ageing or hormones or stress, etc.), the skin will try to compensate it by producing more oil. As the oil glands are located predominantly on the nose, forehead, chin, sides of the cheeks, inside the ears, chest and middle of upper back, the pores in those body areas get enlarged if the oil production noticeably increases because of lack of moisture inside the skin.

Fortunately, there is a solution. First of all, you need to ensure that your eat a balanced diet, that contains plenty of fruits, vegetables (preferably raw) and most importantly greens. Remember that skin is the biggest organ on our body that reflects what is going on inside. If you eat too much food containing too much animal fat and protein and very little veggies, your incretion systems will be overloaded with accumulated waste and toxins. Combined with not drinking enough water to help the internal cleansing processes, will result in your skin reacting to it at some point in some shape of form. Often, enlarged pores are the first symptom of more skin concerns to follow.

You would help your skin greatly by having regular deep cleanse. A proper deep cleansing facial with steam and extraction would be very beneficial to keep the skin free of excess oil and micro dirt that gets stuck to it while you function during the day and night. Such facial treatment once or twice every 4-6 weeks, proves to make a substantial visible difference to the appearance of pores and ensures the skin free of blackheads and whiteheads. A deep cleansing facial takes only one hour, but keeps your skin happy for many weeks. Book one online today at only £59 or drop us an email if you want to chat before booking your appointment

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Monday, 23 May 2016 09:28

Endermologie for Cellulite | Body Silk Clinic, London

Did you know that warmer weather can result in make the body be slower in getting rid of the body fluids? Water retention or oedema traditionally occursas swelling of hands, feet, ankles and face. It is important to enrich potassium levels in your body as well as cut on salt. Exercise also helps a lot, but to boost the effect and help your body a little bit more, it can be beneficial to add lymphatic drainage massage by LPG - an effective treatment to get rid of the water that your body was holding on to during the winter months.

Combined with regular exercises, a healthy diet rich in fresh fruit, vegetables and fibre, LPG Lipomassage by Endermologie will allow you to see a considerable difference after only one session. A course of treatments is recommended to achieve the best results.

Come for a FREE consultation to talk about water retention with one of our consultants.

It is also worth checking out the Endermologie treatment for drainage and watre retention to educate yourself more about the oedema concern.

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Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Wednesday, 27 April 2016 13:45

Endermologie for Cellulite | Body Silk Clinic, London

Did you know that hormonal fat in its chemical composition is different from the fat that we gain from food? It is also located deeper than normal fat. These deposits of hormonal fat in the septae (connective tissue) are what is called cellulite. Fat deposits are pushing against the network of connective tissue causing ripples and bumps on the skin.

Hard to believe that approximately 90% of women over twenty have to face the problem of cellulite at some point in their life. If you are one of them and would like to learn about the most effective ways to get rid of cellulite quickly, come for a FREE consultation about cellulite with one of our consultants.

It is also worth checking out the Endermologie treatment for cellulite to educate yourself more about the cellulite concern.

If you found this post useful,  please do let us know by rating it!

Please, write your questions, if any, in the Comments section or contact us privately.

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Tuesday, 22 December 2015 09:07

Christmas Special Offers At Body Silk Clinic City Of London

Have you planned how you are going to achieve that fabulous look towards those Christmas parties in your calendar, especially when there is little time with work and Christmas shopping that needs to be done?

We thought that we would share with you how to save time and look absolutely amazing for all your festives in December in 50 minutes!

Non-surgical LPG Facelift session that gives an instant lifting effect combined with an Express Facial will leave you with a glowing and rejuvenated skin that will turn heads - either it is a private or corporate Christmas party, a fancy date that you want to impress or perhaps an important dinner with clients.

For only £60 per a single session or £450 for a course of 10 sessions (that will work out at only £45 per session!), you will get 2 treatments in 1 and save amazing 47%! It is a wonderful present to yourself or to someone you love. Suitable for men and women. Please, feel free to share this offer to your friends, colleagues and your loved ones!

The offer can be purchased before 2pm Christmas Eve and must be redeemed before the end of January 2016.

Please, also check out our Special Offers for Body Silk Clinic at Hither Green!

Phone payments are also available.

We look forward to seeing you for this amazing treatment!

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Monday, 07 December 2015 22:43
Christmas Gift Vouchers At Hither Green Are The Best Christmas Present To Someone You Love

Surprise your Loved One with a Special Gift this Christmas!!!

Choose one of our Special Gift Voucher and Treat someone you Love:

- Santa Body Wrap (inch loss detox body wrap) and Express Glow Facial (instant visible results of glowy skin) - £79;
- Champagne Facial with back massage and a complimentary glass of Champagne - £85;
- Christmas Party Package (non-surgical facelift, Express Glow Facial, Nails shape and paint) - £79;
- Jingle Bells Top To Toe treatment (full body exfoliation hydrating body wrap, mini facial, nails shape and paint) - £85.

Each treatment is 90 minutes. Get in touch with us today on 02072835800 or email us to make sure that you get your gift vouchers for these pampering treatments before 4pm on Christmas Eve. The vouchers can be redeemed before 6pm on January 31, 2016

Monday, 26 October 2015 13:31

Laser Hair Removal | Body Silk Clinic, London

Acne scars can be distressing and stigmatising, especially when on the face. Acne scars occur when pustules turn into nodules and cysts. Scarring is the result of skin damage during the healing of active acne. This process produces two typical scar types: atrophic and hypertophic scars depending on wheather there is a gain or loss of collagen in the healing process. The damage caused initially by inflammation of a blocked sebaceous gland causes blanching and vasoconstriction (narrowing of the blood vessels).

At Body Silk we offer Dermal Roller that employs advanced medical micro-needling. It is a procedure that stimulates the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally, thereby creating smoother, healthier, clearer younger-looking skin with acned scars disappearing.

Book your Consultation here or visit one of our skin clinics in the City or Hither Green in south-east London.

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Wednesday, 21 October 2015 09:00

Laser Hair Removal | Body Silk Clinic, London

The eyes are aesthetic centre of the face and are often referred to as the "window to the soul".

The outer corners of the eyes and undereye area are the areas where we can often see the first signs of ageing - fine lines, the appearance of dull skin. The most common request for rejuvenation in aesthetic practices is about this particular area of concern. Other complaints include excess skin, wrinkles, puffiness around the eyes, pigmentation issues and dark circles. With age these problems can become more and more prominent.

To strengthen the tissues under the eyes and help fight against the visible signs of ageing, LPG Facelift at Body Silk Clinic in London, offers a simple but effective solution - a skin 'workout' that tones, strengthens and rejuvenates the area under the eyes as well as facial skin.

Book your Consultation here (make sure you select option for LPG Face)!

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Tuesday, 22 September 2015 17:41

Laser Hair Removal Offer | Body Silk Clinic, London

After receiving numerous requests from our customers, WE ARE EXTENDING OUR PROMOTION for 25% OFF Laser Hair Removal courses for any big area till 15 of October, 2015.

However, due to a limited number of slots left, we can accommodate only 7 MORE CLIENTS for this special offer.

First come - first serve!

We recommend that you start your first treatment in autumn/winter provided that you come 6 weeks after your wonderful sunny holiday.

Terms and conditions:

- 25% off a course of 6 laser hair removal sessions for big areas only;

- Big areas: full legs, half legs, full arms, 3/4 arms, full back, lower back, upper back, back of neck and shoulders, chest, full face, brazillian, hollywood, buttocks, abdomen.

- Courses are exchangable but not refundable or transferrable to another person;

- Payable upfront in full on the phone or in person by card, bank transfer or cash;

- Patch test is included. However, if you allow 5 months or longer between your sessions, another patch test will have to be carried out at the cost of £25;

- Offer expires on 15/10/2015.

To learn more about our Laser and Laser Hair Removal at Body Silk, please click here to watch our video.

Don't be shy to get in touch if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.

To learn more about this treatment, feel free to Book Your Consultation Today!!

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Tuesday, 22 September 2015 12:33

Laser Hair Removal | Body Silk Clinic, London

Are You Back From Holidays? Then It Is Time For Skin Repair!

The summer is over. Hope you had great summer holidays.

Now it is time to think about repairing your skin from a 'holiday' damage: sun exposure, alcohol, late nights and dehydration.

There is a number of options to consider:

Quick Fixes that will last for a couple of months:

HL Labs Peels - a mild blend of AHA's, BHA's and Retinol. Their exfoliating and stimulating actions create immediate visible effect of cleansed glowing skin followed by a prolonged effect of a healthy look for another 6-10 weeks. Taken as a series of treatments that are combined with recommended home care products, they will rejuvenate the skin and help with pigmentation. Price £80 per treatment. Please get in touch for discounts for courses of treatments.

Obagi Blue Peel Radiance - a mild peel invented by iconic Dr Obagi, gives an instant glow, can be performed as a one-off treatment or as series of peels - all depends on the skin needs. Price £150 for one. Discounts available for series of treatments - please get in touch to find out. Prescribed Facial Treatment - a 75-minute bespoke treatment aimed at deep cleansing of congested skin from the debris of the sun screen lotions. The advanced technology helps deliver products deeper into the skin while having anti-ageing effect. Involves high-frequency, ultrasound and galvanic current. Makes an instant visible difference. A few treatments are recommended every 3-4 weeks. Price is £80 per treatment. Discounts apply for courses, please enquire.

Treatments with Long-term Effect:

Obagi Nu-Derm or Obagi Fx - based on Vitamin A, skin brightening and exfoliating components, this unique system is a combination of products that are able to penetrate the skin on cellular level carrying all active ingredients deep into the dermis and rejuvenating the skin from inside out. Upon completion of the treatment, you can enjoy the results of the treatment from 12 months for another few years, provided that all recommendations and instructions are followed properly. Price per kit is £550.

Non-invasive LPG Face-lift - a mechanical stimulation of the connective tissues, stimulates collagen and elastin production. Firming and lifting treatment that promotes anti-ageing effect and repairs photo damaged skin if combined with Vitamins E and C during the session. A course of 10 sessions twice or three times a week is recommended. Price is £450 for a course of 10 or £60 per 1 session. Please, contact us to get more information or to book a Consultation.

To learn more about this treatment, feel free to book your consultation today!!

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Skin Treatments Talk Podcast

Episode 2. Listen to our podcast to see which hair removal method works best for you! Find out about different types of lasers available and to see which one will get you to permanent laser hair removal results!

Episode 1. In this session of The Skin Treatments Talk Podcast, we talk about non-surgical slimming treatments and chat with Mary Sears about her experience with LPG Lipomassage treatments by Endermologie.

Recent Comments

  • Anna
    A single treatment for full legs outside of this promotion is £250. It takes between 1.5 to 2 hours to get both legs treated.
  • Inner Glo Inner Glo
    I wish i had that body up at the top, need to either start working out or get botox or something aha.
  • sushma sushma
    Hello, How much does a laser hair removal for full legs cost ? How long will the treatment last for each session?
  • Super User
    There are more and more men looking for solutions to enhance their appearance through wrinkle reduction treatments.

Our Location

Body Silk Clinic

South-East London,

Hither Green, Lewisham,

Blackheath, Greenwich,

Lee, Catford

31 Staplehurst Road

London SE13 5ND

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Working Hours:
Mon - Fri 10am - 7pm
Sat - Sun 10am - 6pm

Copyright 2010-2024, Body Silk Clinic, London - Registered Laser Hair Removal Clinic in South-East London, Lewisham, Hither Green, 31 Staplehurst Road, London SE13 5ND