Cellulite has stages. With summer approaching and the hopes of lying on a hot sunny beach, people will be hoping for a toned, trim body. Advances in technology and product development now mean there are the whole host of treatments you can choose from, such as vibration plates, relaxing body wraps, non-invasive inch loss, body sculpting and firming combined with products for cellulite and slimming. The key areas that people feel less confident about tend to be the legs and the abdomen. Cellulite reduction is a common concern for the legs area. What many consumers are not aware of is that there are three stages of cellulite. At stage one there are no visible signs of cellulite when standing or lying down but after pinching there is a sponge-like appearance. At stage two, when standing and lying down dimpling appears spontaneously and at stage three, dimpling is spontaneously positive when standing or lying down. Cellulite is encouraged by draining enzymes, called MMP’s (Matrix Mettalloprotinase), such as Collangenase and Elastinase. They tear down the scaffolding on which the skin sits and create a dimpled or ‘orange peel’ appearance. You might be pleased and relieved to know that cellulite has nothing to do with being fat. And compared with men, due to the hormone cycle, women release a greater ampunt of these distructive enzymes. Some people prefer to combat cellulite through professional cellulite and slimming products. Thermo Contour Complex from the Dr Belter Samtea Body and Balance range, for example, uses a self-heating action which gives warming sensation to absorb active ingredients. These ingredients break down compound fats and lipids in the area giving a visible slimming and anti-cellulite action. This product goes well with non-invasive fat and cellulite reduction by Endermologie and Lipomassage, giving incredible results just after a few sessions in terms of slimming, contouring and lymphatic drainage.