Hormonal hair growth, especially on the face, is not limited to just PCOS but also to adrenal problems, thyroid disorders and more. Females with hormonal imbalance will often have hirsuitism involving the upper lip, chin, neck, stomach, breasts, and stomach. Most of the women with this condition can experience lack of confidence and depression during their life.
“I spend half an hour every morning plucking out hairs from my face, otherwise I can’t bear to let anyone see me.” (Christine, 31)
“No-one understands what I’m going through. All my confidence has gone and I can’t see any way out.” (Laura, 27)
Laser hair removal can help reduce unwanted hair. If done regularly it can keep hair growth under control; instead of waxing and tweezing can be very affective for weeks or even months.
**At Body Silk, as a Pcos client you can get 20% discount for each session of laser hair removal.
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