Scars from acne can feel like a double punishment — first you had to deal with the pimples, now you have marks as a reminder. Acne can be a painful skin condition, and the scars afterwards are a bad reminder of that. While most acne scars will fade on their own after several months, there are certain things you can do to help speed up the process and avoid further hyper-pigmentation. You will not be able to make acne scars disappear in one night, but there is one treatment that can really help: Dermaroller Therapy will certainly produce a noticeable difference over time. This treatment employs advanced medical micro-needling, a procedure that stimulates the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally, thereby creating smoother, healthier, clearer and younger-looking skin. Preparation of the skin with Obagi Nu-Derm for at least 6 weeks towards your Dermaroller treatments seriously boosts the effect from the Dermaroller treatment.