The beauty of using the Obagi Nu-Derm system is that it does not only rejuvenate but also reverses everything in your skin that is wrong. It is not just a visible effect. The skin changes inside on all its levels: epidermis, dermis and subcoteneous. If, for instance, you suffer from pigmentation, it is going to regulate the melanosyte production on the melanyn membrane between your epidermis and dermis so that your skin tone becomes even without spots of unwanted pigmentation. Pigmentation marks appearing on skin’s surface are usually due to excessive hormonal activity or excessive sun exposure, be it sunbeds or sunshine. Obagi Nu-Derm does not distinguish between the reasons for your pigmentation – it will fix it whatever the source of your pigmentation is. Your doctor may opt to prescribe you Obagi pigmentation treatment in case this is your only concern and you do not bothered about the rejuvenation. It will be the Obagi CRx version with hydroquinone and Vitamin C. Hydroquinone in both Obagi Nu-Derm and Obagi Obagi CRx will do the job related to the pigmentation problem and Obagi Sunshield SPF50 will 100% protect your skin from the new UV exposure. Obagi Sunshield SPF50 will also protect the skin against premature ageing, which starts to become more apparent to women aged 26 onwards. Vitamin C adds extra protection by being a powerful anti-oxidant. Please, refer to our earlier publication about the benefits of Vitamin C for more details. Feel free to get in touch with one of our Obagi consultants. CALL US 0207 283 5800 or email if you have more questions or would like to book a consultation. Alternatively, ask us a question on the live chat at the bottom of this page.